Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Cosmic Eyes

Your eyes

A gypsy's crystal ball

My universe held unfurled within them

I look and I am flying in the orbit,

Into unknown space, meteorites are flying by.

The stars stare at me like a thousand twinkling eyes

But in this vast stellar field one star casts an inescapable cosmic hook-on me

The one that looked at me with her eyes

Her eyes, My northern star


  1. Hey Bianca. I really like this whole blog thing so I decided to make myself a page lol. And I wanted to comment on my favorite piece of yours so far.. I hope you write more. Talk to you soon.

  2. Thank you. I enjoy your writing as well. I sometimes get comments that the shorter pieces as "koan-ish" (I'll make an effort to post more of them.) I dont know how much of that is true. Do feel free to leave points for improvement. Though we draw from life in the end I find artful comment very helpful to make things more artisticaly palatable. :-)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
