Tuesday, September 6, 2011

After awhile

After awhile I’ll learn the complicated solutions to simple problems or discover simple solutions to seemingly complicated problems. I’ll learn to not put my happiness on any one person or any one thing.

After awhile I’ll learn that just because you give all it doesn’t mean you get all.  You have to be clear about what you expect so you know what you're getting and they know what to give.

After awhile I’ll accept that there is no blame to assign for things happening the way they did. I’ll see the silver lining. See the truth that I stood more to gain by losing what I did.

After awhile all the pain will go away and feel indifferent. I'll look back and connect the dots. There is a reason why some people remain as a part of our past and not the future. 

After awhile... until then I just need to be kind and patient with myself.