Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Love letter for

We met

We found a part of ourselves in each other

We fell in love

Quickly but not suddenly

Unexpectedly but not surprisingly          



New Love

When I met her it felt like the red velvet curtains of my life had just opened, a new show, new story, new life had just begun. In the opening scene she took center stage beautifully compelling. Her presence commanding and undeniable.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

There is no Santa

Today was just like the day I found out there was no Santa. I was devastated. I felt that everything I believed in was not real and it hurt because I wanted them to be real. There was no magic, no Rudolph!Why did they have to tell me there was one? For the entertainment value? I was crushed. I felt cheated. I felt stupid. I was heart-broken. Eventually, I got over it.

Years later I realized my parents meant no harm. As kids we need to believe that magical things happen. I learned to appreciate what Santa stood for because I saw the attitude of giving that it inspired with my parents and the people around me. I gave me hope that magical things could happen like true love...

As I puff away on my cigarette, I replay the day in my head. I'm transported back in time to that feeling years ago. You see,I met somebody who I thought was "THE ONE". Like Santa, it was magical. Then something happened. She changed her mind. I was not "THE ONE" anymore. I went from definitely being "the one" to possibly being one of two. What was once magical now is just another one of those ordinary things that happen in life. Again the familiar feeling of being crushed, stupid and cheated.

I'm a fighting romantic but I'm beginning to think that I'm finally jaded. Maybe there is no "ONE".  Just because they say they are and you believe it with all your heart it's not always true. Maybe like Santa it is just a reflection you'll find in many people.

I'm haven't completely given up. I think it's okay to want the magic however we should never forget that at the end of the day people are people. We are flawed. We will disappoint each other. The challenge is to be able to forgive ourselves and the people we love when they don't live up to romanticized version of the perfect person in our head. Look at what they've inspired in you to feel and do. It's magical to feel that you're in love.

Kisses are not promises and rings are not guarantees. Be brave enough to love, patient to let it grow, wise enough to know when to stay and always strong enough to go and not look back. There is no Santa and maybe no such thing as the one but I'd still like to fall in love and believe in magic...