Wednesday, April 2, 2008


The major thing that drives us in life is to build and protect the EGO,
Otherswise known as the self. In everyday life we encounter situations where we feel threatened or judged and so we resort to our defense mechanisms. Our walls to protect us. And as any man made thing there are so many varieties of walls. One of the most common wall, defense mechanisms, is a process we call "Projection". We condemn something that we ourselves do so that society will never suspect that we are guilty of it. Example, A gay person denouncing homosexuality.

I don't recall the exact even that made me think of projection bbut I do rememeber the circumstances. I was in a train and I saw this lady nd I made a very crude judgememnt of her but then again I realised that I did the same thing. I was looking at her in pity, judging from her conversation on the phone, she seemed so pre-occupied with fitting in. I know that collectivism has a place and purpose but I never believed that it should be the prime objective in anything. "Why try do ahrd to fit in when clearly you're born to stand out".

I made the silent condemnation in envy I guess. I was really no different from her.There are a lot of times when I just want to "fit-in". And I felt like a hippocrite.Often we fear the kind of public judegement that we ourselves are guilty of.

Maybe the only way to truly roam free and to live a life of our own is to simply learn how to stop judging others. Unless we cease to commit the very crime we fear then we will always be trapped, stuck, lost and confused as to why we just can't seem to live.

"Let he without sin be the first to cast the first stone!"

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